Week 16: Power of elements

I have to admit I was a bit lost with this theme. What does it mean? Is it the composition? Or how what you choose to show or eliminate can change the meaning behind the photo. I decided to see if I could use different elements – light, texture, shapes, lines, or patterns – to have more impact in my photography.

My Sony A-6600 didn’t get out this week at all. I had planned to bring it along on an urban walk, but tweaked my back this week. And it seems like the weather has just sucked for the past month. Either it’s somewhat sunny, but cold and windy, or a bit warmer but cloudy and rainy.

Anyways, I forced myself out today to get some decent photos for what I think is telling a story using different elements within a photo and scene.

Museum of Nature … whee is the moon?

It’s not very often that a modern addition to an old building works. But this glass cube, which usually showcases the moon, catches my eye every time I pass by. In the evening when the moon is glowing inside, I try to work out how I can set up my tripod in the middle of the street to get the perfect shot. Today I stood at the corner across from the museum and used my Sony DSC-WX500. There are so many elements to love about this building. The details in the architecture, the stained glass windows that bring a different perspective from the inside looking out. I was in awe.

Earth at the museum

Inside, I had a sneak peak of the Earth, which turns at disco-ball speed. I love the coolness of the blue skies set against the warm lights. It shows the fragility of life on our planet. One day, hopefully soon, I will visit inside this museum.


Many people don’t know about the hidden passageway along the Rideau Canal under Wellington Street. This pedestrian was on the western edge of the canal, walking along the multi-use path. I was on the other side by the bike rentals where a hidden staircase takes you to the outer western terrace of the Chateau Laurier. I waited until she was in the frame. The coolness of the underpass contrasts with the bright sun on the pedestrian. I think it captures a fleeting moment and makes me wonder what she was doing there.

Cycling Under

While driving along Laurier Street West across the canal, you wouldn’t think the bridge is anything special. But when you walk along the canal and see its underbelly, you realize it’s pretty special. It has soft green curves and cream angular tentacles. There are wall murals to ponder and sometimes you catch a fleeting glimpse of a cyclist struggling against a cold wind. I was happy to include the bridge plaque and the cyclist. I’ll remember when it was because the canal is still partially empty.

Meech Creek Valley

I know this creek well. It runs along trail 50 in the Gatineau Park. When I am hiking in a group, I always stop here to take a photo. At the beginning of hiking season, it’s a good excuse to take a break to catch my breath. This time, my Sony DSC-WX500 sat on top of the Costco Christmas Cracker micro tripod. I used the manual setting to make the water smoother.

I’m already thinking of places to go for next week’s sky. Hopefully I’ll have more luck with weather and time.

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