2020 Photo Challenge Week 9: Night

This week was challenging for me on a number of levels. The weather wasn't cooperating, with rain, freezing rain or snow forecast for both magic hours almost every day. Then I pulled a muscle in my back and didn't feel motivated to sneak out early in the morning or risk slipping on the ice withContinue reading "2020 Photo Challenge Week 9: Night"

2020 Photo Challenge Week 8: Light

I struggled a bit with how to capture light. After all, photos only exist because enough light hits the lens. At first I was going to capture the city lights at night, but the NIGHT challenge starts today. Sometimes you see the composition you want but don't have the tools you want. These photos captureContinue reading "2020 Photo Challenge Week 8: Light"

2020 Photo Challenge: Week 6 Sunset

For just over a year, we rented a condo overlooking the Ottawa River. It had great views from the balcony of sunsets and moonrises. Our new place only offers sunrises at this time of year. I tried to scout out some new locations but didn't have much luck. It's been so cold and not conduciveContinue reading "2020 Photo Challenge: Week 6 Sunset"

2020 Photo Challenge: Week 5 Wildlife

This week's challenge was wildlife. A few week's ago, I took some good photos of birds along the Jack Pine Trail. They wait for people to show up with bird seed, and even ate some peanuts! But in keeping with the challenge, I am not using previous photos, but seeking out new ones. Of course,Continue reading "2020 Photo Challenge: Week 5 Wildlife"

2020 Photo Challenge Week 4: Architecture

No blue sky today, so my photos didn't seem to pop like I had hoped they would. And the photos by the University of Ottawa took longer to take than I'd hoped because class must have just gotten out. My goal today was to find modern and older architecture in one photo. There were alsoContinue reading "2020 Photo Challenge Week 4: Architecture"

2020 Weekly Challenge: Week 2 Sunrise

Week 2's theme was SUNRISE. The explanation indicated it didn't have to be of an actual sunrise, which was good because it was really frickin' cold this morning.  And I was also in the middle of my morning exercise class when the sun was rising. So when I returned home, I changed out of myContinue reading "2020 Weekly Challenge: Week 2 Sunrise"

2020 photo challenge: week 3 nature

I haven't completed week 2 yet, but hope to shortly. In the meantime, week 3's category of nature was an easy one for me. I am outside a lot. I was hiking with friends during the second week of January and tested out my new Sony A6600. I got some good photos of the birdsContinue reading "2020 photo challenge: week 3 nature"

2020 Weekly photo challenge

It's been a long time since I've posted on this site, but it doesn't mean I haven't been busy with photography. In fact, I've been so busy with life that I haven't blogged in over a year on any of my blogs. So this year I thought I would try something different. One of myContinue reading "2020 Weekly photo challenge"