Photo Challenge Week 52: Christmas

Well, I did it! I made it through all 52 weeks of challenges. I am so glad that I decided to commit to photography over the past year. 2020 disrupted so many lives and my weekly photo challenges helped to bring routine. I learned a lot about my new Sony A-6600 and my first everContinueContinue reading “Photo Challenge Week 52: Christmas”

Photo Challenge Week 51: Winter

I can’t believe it’s the second last week of the 2020 Photo Challenge. I’m not sure if I stuck with it because of the COVID pandemic or because I wanted to become a better photographer. Either way I was really looking forward to this week’s challenge because winter is my favourite time of the year.ContinueContinue reading “Photo Challenge Week 51: Winter”

Photo Challenge Week 50: Mystery

I can think of a few mysteries right now. Where is the snow? My next theme is winter! For this theme I tried to take advantage of some time spent in the early evening to see the Christmas lights downtown, a winter hike in the Gatineau Park and a daytime visit to the Byward Market.ContinueContinue reading “Photo Challenge Week 50: Mystery”

Photo Challenge Week 49: Oddity

It feels like the last 10 months have been full of oddities. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought changes to daily life that almost feel normal. I always used to wash my hands, but wearing a mask was new. I was okay with keeping my distance, at least from strangers. So my original plan was toContinueContinue reading “Photo Challenge Week 49: Oddity”

Photo Challenge Week 48: Void

I struggled with this theme. Was I going to be hiking in the forest looking for animal holes. Sitting there in the cold waiting for something to come out of the void. Would I capture the swirling remnants of coffee grinds after finishing my morning cup of java? On a walk back from downtown asContinueContinue reading “Photo Challenge Week 48: Void”

Photo Challenge Week 47: Contradiction

If I could have figured out a way to capture the contradictions amongst all the public health messages during this COVID-19 pandemic, I would have. But I couldn’t figure out a way to do it without potentially risking a confrontation with a person not following the rules indicated in the sign. So instead I lookedContinueContinue reading “Photo Challenge Week 47: Contradiction”

Photo Challenge Week 46: Anticipation

I’m a bit late posting this week and I hope that has you filled with anticipation. Get it? It was intentional. Well, kind of. This week’s photos are all about our cat Wellington. He is the most playful cat I’ve ever met. Even though he’s turning 11 years old next month, he is still motivatedContinueContinue reading “Photo Challenge Week 46: Anticipation”

Photo Challenge Week 45: Double Exposure

This week, I learned something new about my Sony A-6600. Apparently it doesn’t allow me to take double exposures. Do you remember when we used film in cameras? And sometimes you would forget to wind the film on and then take another photo. That’s what this week’s photo challenge was. Initially I thought it wouldContinueContinue reading “Photo Challenge Week 45: Double Exposure”

Photo Challenge Week 44: Fear

Finally a week where the challenge matches events on the calendar! What better time to find scary scenes than a full moon on Halloween! And during a coronavirus pandemic! Can you say spooky? If I had started a bit earlier, I would have been able to capture the creativity of trick or treating during COVID.ContinueContinue reading “Photo Challenge Week 44: Fear”

Photo Challenge Week 43: Warmth

This week’s challenge of warmth was a tough one. Friday was a really warm day, but I had other plans and didn’t bring my camera. And then the weather turned really cold. I’ve woken up with snow on the ground the past three mornings. So I set up my tripod in front of our fakeContinueContinue reading “Photo Challenge Week 43: Warmth”