Week 29: Movement

Since we were still at the cottage, I continued to look for movement outdoors. Sometimes it was simply being at the right place at the right time and using my phone, other times I explored with my Sony A-6600.

Our cat was visited by a family of ducks one afternoon. They arrived first by the steps to the water, and later came ashore and the cat wasn’t sure what to do. One might be a snack, two might be dinner, but was a whole family a threat to his territory? I only had my Samsung phone with me and made the best of it. I love how the ripples in the water show movement.

We also took a hike up to a wonderful lookout. The bugs were really bad so I only brought my point and shoot. But as we walked along the trail, I wanted to capture the journey to the lookout. My husband was moving so fast, and the trail was darker in the shade, so the exposure captured the movement of his foot. That’s what being chased by horse flies and deer flies will do. Cause you to move!

The cottage that we rent has a beautiful garden that attracts butterflies, bees and birds, along with a garden for frogs. I took the Sony A-6600 out to the garden in search of moving wildlife. I found the bees and a chipmunk who was running for his life being hunted by the cat.

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